Below are a few questions I ask myself when applying design in content.
👤 Who is the target audience?
Self explanatory, but def something to be mindful and strategic about.
🎤 What is the purpose/intent of this content? Tone?
Celebratory? Serious? Neutral? Informational?
🎨 Which will then determine the design (colors, layout, etc.)
The fun part!
🔍 Next step: How can we make the content digestible for the reader?
✔️ Trimming down language and breaking down content
✔️ Adding headers and dividers (guiding people’s eyes)
✔️ Adding visuals (infographics for numbers and callouts/short stories, charts, images, pop of color)
💻 To Wrap It All Up: Best use of channels to share the content?
Sharing diff versions of content for diff platforms (Photos for IG, Text for Twitter, etc.)
Beautiful Girl and beautiful ideas! I love your blog!